A sexual identify that is unfunny af. When you think that your gender is an A.H your are just unfunny. Its a dead meme.
by Tinec January 3, 2018
by A.dog in space.... November 4, 2016
"what do you sexually identify as?"
"I identify as an Apache attack helicopter, the fek else you want?"
"I identify as an Apache attack helicopter, the fek else you want?"
by Nikachu14 December 9, 2016
by Flappy The Clown April 12, 2017
When he said he sexually identified as an attack helicopter, it was funny, but when he Apache Attack Helicoptered last night, it made a real mess.
by Dtreeman March 18, 2018
by THE TRUE MEME LORD May 3, 2018
A fake gender identity that shows you are an ugly pubescent boy who is insecure and desperate for attention because your dick is so small you could never do a helicopter
“Sorry, I use they/them pronouns, I’m non-binary”
The boys: “oh yeah and I identify as a fucking Apache attack helicopter you social reject.”
The boys: “oh yeah and I identify as a fucking Apache attack helicopter you social reject.”
by Phaguette69 June 10, 2021