I wish I could be antisocial like her, but I'm a loser so I must rely my happiness on other people.
by Virality2 March 11, 2022
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Being antisocial is the act of refusing society and social interactions. Most antisocial people keep to them self and don’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks and keeps to them self.
“Damn bro ever since The new year D hasnt texted or come to hang with us at all. He just talks to his girl his mom and himself and that’s it.”
“I know bruh this fool been real antisocial and it’s annoying as fuck
by Top $HOTTA February 25, 2020
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A person who swears, picks his/her nose, doesn’t believe in other people’s opinions/believes that only his or her opinion matters, always acts like they’re always right and everybody else in their life is always wrong, snitches, deliberately throws tantrums, acts manipulative, deliberately acts rude/hurts other’s feelings, believes that everything on the Internet is true/real andthrows a tantrum/acts aggressive when told otherwise, and generally behaves in an antisocial and socially inappropriate way
Pablo: “Five Night’s at Freddy’s is real you know, you f**king son of a b**ch!”
Jayden: “No, it’s not. You’re just too gullible, cause you’ve been watching too much Jaystation!”
Pablo: “How dare you say that about f**king Jaystation!”
Jayden: “Stop acting like you’re always right, you antisocial idiot!”
by MTVDude June 13, 2021
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Antisocial, A person who is usually alone or independent and tends to distance themselves from others while making money and enjoying their own company.
by selfmadejc June 29, 2023
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Not sociable; not wanting the company of others. Contrary to the laws and customs of society; devoid of sociable instincts or practices.

Often confused with aspd, the term antisocial just refers to people who are a shy, withdrawn, or devoid of social skills Whereas YL is antisocial to his own girl he is NOT antisocial to everyone else
"YL Claims to be antisocial is that true?"
"No he is too social to be antisocial "
by YKKKKTHEVIBSSSS July 15, 2023
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In the broadest sense, an antisocial injustice civilian is a person that strongly discredit complex serious social, economic and political issues as a way to further their own agenda by diminishing the problems.

Specifically, it is used to refer to people who are against social justice only as a means to validate their own ego, looking for special treatment, or attention.

Not surprisingly antisocial injustice civilians cause more harm to their causes than good, as they are often ill-informed, uninterested in discussing issues as they are more interested in being "right", and aggressively attacks all who disagree, usually by calling them SJWs in an attempt to provoke a reaction.
He loves to spread the message of inequality, he is such an antisocial injustice civilian.
by Xorp February 11, 2020
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Antisocialness- simply mean as hell
Why are you showing so much Antisocialness toward the nurse
by Billy Vanderbilt January 11, 2022
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