A gifted name; A beautiful girl. Skinny, nice,kinda and generous. She has a big heart for all of around her
Jillian: Did you see AnnMarie today?
Colin: Yea, she looked pretty.
by fapp3 March 20, 2019
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1. A very caring and strong woman whom is very intelligent. Capable of great things but is sometimes easily distracted by new and interesting ideas. Often used to describe very active and busy women with fantastic lives.
"Hey, you see that cute girl over there?"

"How could I not? She's an Annmarie!"
by Girl From NZ January 3, 2009
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The hottest, girl in the world. Always there for you, when you need her. Very popular, and well known. Great smile, and eyes. Who the boys always die for.
That girl is definitly an annmarie.

boy 1: Damn, thats an annmarie, i want her.
boy 2: i want her.

boy 1 : lets fight ! i want her.
by Mike Deruco August 6, 2009
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I smart beautiful girl. When people look at her they are struck down by her beauty. She is a girl who deserves and must date a Ben. She must!
"See that girl, she's a total Annmarie."
"Yeah, we need to find her a Ben"
by auntie.whatever April 3, 2010
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an amazing person who is just.........completely the balls
holy shit that girls an annmarie
by yeebuddayy October 19, 2011
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Someone who loves everything too much. Head over heels for everything, especially ketchup.
I love her more than an AnnMarie loves anything.
by ToastyToast99 September 1, 2015
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AnnMarie is a gorgeous girl that is one of the smartest people wherever they are. She has a great sense of humor and loves to have fun. She takes forever to text back to a point where you think she is ghosting you but she just dosen't check her notifications. Anyone with an AnnMarie is very lucky and should jump at the chance to get one and treat her like your queen.
"Yo bruh, who that girl is? She fine as hell."
"Oh her? She prolly AnnMarie"
"Ay imma go snag her digits"
by A True Josh October 10, 2018
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