Albery is the name of a poem/phrase that doesn't exactly make sense. Below is an example of an Albery:
Person 1: 'Mushroom and jelly fish are the same, except one's alive and one swims.'
Person 2: 'Golly, that's certainly an Albery!'
by alierich December 22, 2011
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Source of noxious and malodorous bowel smells.
Urgh, whats that smell?...Oh thats Albery.
by Anonymous September 25, 2003
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1. (noun) mamal, homosapian-sapian, 6' 3" tall, attractives to females, lives on a farm, hates children, drives a PT cruiser; likes to read.

Synonyms: flirt, crude, fun, iritable, alcoholic, exhuberant, friendly
by Mysterious Q June 1, 2011
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