Noun - A water vessel (e.g. kayak) where the semi-translucent hull is illuminated from within at night; like a Floating Chinese lantern.
We put headlamps in the bow and stern of a rotomolded kayak to make it glow and paddled across Upper Saranac Lake.
I popped some really bright glow sticks in my Hobie Cat hulls for night sailing, and it looked like the Star Trek Next Generation Enterprise nacelles at the beginning of the show intro.
A group of kayakers went on an Adirondack Lantern paddle last night.
I popped some really bright glow sticks in my Hobie Cat hulls for night sailing, and it looked like the Star Trek Next Generation Enterprise nacelles at the beginning of the show intro.
A group of kayakers went on an Adirondack Lantern paddle last night.
by Adirondack Ingenuity October 16, 2013
When you get a blowjob from a woman with no teeth. Mountain people are notorious for poor dental hygiene. Or just plain people from Montana.
Holy shit , I got so drunk last night I got an Adirondack Smoothie from some butterface mountain bitch .
by cracksmoke November 6, 2014
When the penis of one male slides out of the vagina and accidentally into the asshole of the other male in a mmf threesome. Most commonly occurring when one man is laying on his back with the female riding him as the other male is also on top fucking her from behind.
by GreenKeyWeekend May 17, 2013
A sleepaway camp in the adirondack mountains. Its on a penisula on the northern part of lake george, and is a co-ed sleepaway camp. there are a lot of international kids from France, Russia, Spain etc... who go there as well as many kids from parts of NY and Connecticut (mostly Greenwich). often called ADK. ADK is probably one of the greatest places on earth. the campers and staff sleep in open-air cabins. Most of the staff are former campers,who love continueing to come back to ADK every summer. most of the staff are really nice, accept for the bitchs, the counselors are great most of the time they can help resolve issues between cabin mates, and help u not be homesick. the facilities are really nice, and there are tons of activites to choose from. there are also special days where there are themed activites and the counselors dress up to match the theme(i.e. harry potter day) on saturdays there are always camp dances in the dining hall which are really fun. at ADK you always make really good friends aside from the occasional back-stabbing bitch. ADK was featured in town and country magazine last year. the food at ADK is always good and made by carlo! Basically Adirondack camp is like the bestest summer camp ever!!! HOW!!!!!!!!
adirondackee: OMG i cant wait for summer
other person: why?
Adirondackee: to go back to adirondack camp the best summer camp ever
other person: oh
other person: why?
Adirondackee: to go back to adirondack camp the best summer camp ever
other person: oh
by laxergurl613 May 21, 2013
When your septic tank is leaking/compromised and the smell blankets the surrounding area.
Oftentimes used with reference to septic tank problems in the Adirondack Mountains in New York.
Oftentimes used with reference to septic tank problems in the Adirondack Mountains in New York.
Person 1: “Hey man what’s that smell?”
Person 2: “Oh that? The neighbor’s septic leaked and now the whole street has got an Adirondack Blanket.”
Person 2: “Oh that? The neighbor’s septic leaked and now the whole street has got an Adirondack Blanket.”
by Limekilnlake August 4, 2023
1. A hiking/backpacking social club formed in 1983 by upstate New York residents primarily to seek out forever wild areas of the Adirondack park. Club has established a Cadet corp of trainees who are graded on their performance on trips for a number of years before they allowed full membership. Senior Members attain military rank and can rise to the rank of general now held by the original founding members. COAC is a group of child hikers who are children of current members. The membership is mainly made of residents of Monroe and erie Counties. Hidden waterfalls are the most common trip goal. Senor members also have a annual winter hike in and around Key West, Florida. At this trip Alcohol consumption and review of the Duval Street restrooms is the most time consuming part of the hike.
2. A group appointed by God to right wrongs in the world.
2. A group appointed by God to right wrongs in the world.
The Adirondack Commandos are one the few groups who have found sliding rock falls on the robinson river.
by plantdoctor May 22, 2006
by thedogg11 May 16, 2011