Addicting Games is a game website where many free games (and a la carte extras for those games) are released. A successful release on AG (as it's abbreviated) could launch a game into eternal fame but a bug in the game could doom the game and its creator forever.
Addicting Games ia frequented mainly by kids under 13 years of age and if there's a chain comment thing going you'll know there's one (games can be commented on but sadly they're used more for chain comments and giving out way to much personal information like ASL).
Addicting Games ia frequented mainly by kids under 13 years of age and if there's a chain comment thing going you'll know there's one (games can be commented on but sadly they're used more for chain comments and giving out way to much personal information like ASL).
-10 year old kid: Let's see what new games are on Addicting Games today!
-50 year old perv: Let's see what new clueless kids are on Addicting Games today!
-50 year old perv: Let's see what new clueless kids are on Addicting Games today!
by Sid Barrett August 7, 2008
Get the most addictive game play now mug.
by x_flvffy_x October 18, 2021
An unclosable inappropriate ad that most frequently appears on Urban Dicktionary. Only an AdBlocker can save you from this swamp of mosquitoes
by ThatTrainAnimationH8er January 18, 2022
What Urb knows you're bored and is trying to get you to play that game instead of searching up qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and stuff like that.
Baluc: Man, that annoying ad is always there with that big ass girl
Beson: Maybe they are trying to cure your boredom, so you don't have to search qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.
Baluc: Oh, yeah, it is called "Most addictive game play now" ur right, maybe they know your bored because your on urban dictionary, so they want you to get addicted to that game. Ill go play it right now.
Beson: Maybe they are trying to cure your boredom, so you don't have to search qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.
Baluc: Oh, yeah, it is called "Most addictive game play now" ur right, maybe they know your bored because your on urban dictionary, so they want you to get addicted to that game. Ill go play it right now.
by tecopux October 22, 2021
by MrWhomstDVe January 8, 2022