Challenge Accepted

A saying that shall be used in a situation where someone or something says a definite statement you disagree with.
Teacher: This cannot be done the night before.
Student: Challenge Accepted.

User of forks: Challenge Accepted.
by Hebegebees January 21, 2011
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Courtesy Accept

On Facebook, when you receive a request from someone who you see has several mutual friends, but you know that you have never met them and don't really want to accept their friend request, but you do anyway to avoid looking like an asshole/bitch, this is considered a courtesy accept.
I had to courtesy accept her friend request so I wouldn't look like a dick. She's friends with Tina, so I don't want her to tell Tina I'm a dick, I can't be havin that shizz yo.
by Paddywack January 10, 2011
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acceptable drunk

the funny, quiet drunks. very nice, very drunk friends.
Dan Bragdon: No one likes me except for rachael and cecelia, but thats ok. im an acceptable drunk
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socially acceptable

generally accepted by the main stream population as normal.
"I dont talk about fisting turkeys during thanksgiving dinner, thats not socially acceptable"
by intylerwetrust November 7, 2013
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I accept that

Heard in Sons Of Anarchy. Means I can relate to or I can understand that. Also: I might not get it but it is fine by me; you are insulting me but I deserve it so it's ok.
You have wasted your life, time to do something with it!
I accept that
by busaraptor May 28, 2011
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accept this definition

right now you have the choice to accept this definition because its funny, or you can not do it
Should this definition be on urban dictionary? yes, click accept this definition.
by beepbeepimasheepguy January 27, 2021
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Cog Acceptance

Acceptance of many forms of Steampunk. Being open-minded and/or inclusive to the variations steampunk comes in.
Western Steampunk, Victorian steampunk, Edwardian steampunk, Steamfunk, WWI steampunk, and Eastern steampunk being welcomed at a convention are all examples of this.

Saying to someone, "that's not steampunk because it isn't brown, has no gears, (or whatever else you can think of)" is NOT cog acceptance.
by Big Airship September 15, 2013
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