
Pressing Publish when editing on urban dictionary.

Also known as:
Accepting, Accepted, Publish, Published
and sometimes:
-I accepted the def because it was a valid definition.

-I let that definition pass
by Feildmaster November 22, 2009
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She faced a lot of acception by her peers
by Benny Boy 2000 January 25, 2018
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What the authors of most of the definitions for school, homework, DDR, and parents need to learn.
People can't just accept school and homework. They're there so you can get a good, high-paying job. Not drug dealing, not a McDonald's cashier, not prostitution.
by dj gs68 October 24, 2003
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Man, your just like acceptful
by Sojin March 27, 2021
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when the person your friend likes/ the person you like doesnt respond or denies your msn/myspace invitation
-adds barry on msn-
*moments later*
me; he still hasnt accepted me
other person; maybe he doesnt like you
by Kate<3 March 15, 2008
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adj 1: worthy of acceptance or satisfactory; "acceptable levels of radiation"; "performances varied from acceptable to good" ant: unacceptable 2: judged to be in conformity with approved usage; "acceptable English usage" syn: accepted 3: meeting requirements; "the step makes a satisfactory seat" syn: satisfactory 4: adequate for the purpose; "the water was acceptable for drinking"
Naveed got an acceptable on his audit and not a good.
by Soo'ar January 23, 2006
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