by Bananalove69 October 15, 2016
by Chiraq jazz September 23, 2013
by NB87 April 30, 2009
by GrazerMagic April 19, 2011
Also known as the falcon knee. Based from the second Super Smash Bros game. It has the ability to dish out and serve complete and utter chaos. The perfect mixture of knee and electricity there is no escape from the mass amounts of pain coming right to your face. If you mix the short hop of the shffl there is no chance that you are able to move ever again.
by Sean Rock September 11, 2007
A joint that connects the upper and lower leg. This joint is infamous for one reason: the dreaded arrow. If an arrow hits you in the knee, you will transform into a city guard who endlessly receives reports of sweetroll robberies.
by Intelligence001 September 3, 2016
by aqpw December 22, 2011