On GameFAQs message boards, topic titles can only have 80 characters. It's normal to announce when you have created a topic title with exactly 80 characters.
Topic title: Is it weird that my parents encourage me to illegally download movies/music/etc?


So is it?
by Caldur May 3, 2009
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Describes the portion of society that advertisers and politicians often aim their message. 80% of the population has an average IQ of 80.
It is election time and the Prime Minister is trying to get the support of the 80/80.
by lyell_creek April 21, 2011
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One cannot wear tank tops unless is is greater than 80 degrees out or they can combine curl more than 80 pounds.
Rick was breaking the 80-80 Rule so I made him put a sweatshirt over his frail arms
by Oginator March 3, 2016
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doing 80 miles an hour on one of Jersey's most glorious east/west highways.
"Made it to work on time doing 80 on 80."

"It only takes me 55 min to get home from Montclair State!"
"Pft, I can do it in 25. 80 on 80."
by coconut666 September 13, 2009
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