21 Savage

Sir Savage the 21st . A true british lad who enjoys his crumpets with a cup of lean tea. One of grime's finest. Many say he's from the US, but that chap is British. He's working on a new album titled "Issa Visa" featuring the Queen. An absolute madlad.
21 Savage: Oi guv'nor u finaully found out me secret eh ?
by MusicIsCoolIGuess February 5, 2019
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21 Savage

a famous american rapper thought to formerly be an Atlanta nigga, but is British, which twitter is milking the fuck out of making funny ass memes y'all should go look at them

Synonyms: Sir Savage the 21st
"sksksksk y'all see that new 21 Savage meme on twitter?"
by 6itch February 6, 2019
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21 Savage

Rapper born in Atlanta, Georgia. He is best known for his mixtapes, namely "The Slaughter Tape" and "Slaughter King".
- Have you heard of 21 Savage?
- Yea man, he's dope.
by doughboy65 November 13, 2016
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21 Savage

An Atlanta rapper known for his songs "X" and "No Heart"
Dude 1: Who is that rapper with the cross tattoo on his forehead?

Dude 2: 21 Savage
by Futurenese November 20, 2016
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21 Savage

A rapper raised in Atlanta but born in the U.K. Yeah that’s right born in fucken London. That bastard fooled us all and made us think he was one of us talking he was a spy all along.
21 Savage doesn’t sip syrup wit his niggas he sips tea with his mates.
by ISSAH KNIFE MADE IN THE UK February 6, 2019
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21 Savage

A rapper who is capable of putting his listeners to sleep in less than 40 seconds.
Guy1: Did you hear that Savage Mode?
Guy2: I tried listening to it but 21 Savage was so boring that he put me to sleep before I could even make it through the first song!
by Icy Wyte January 4, 2018
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21 Savage

A rapper who manages to put his listener to sleep with less than one song.
Joe: Did you hear that Savage Mode tape by 21 Savage?
Bill: I tried to listen to it but he put me to sleep half way through the first song!

2. If you ever can't sleep, just put on some 21 Savage. He'll definitely do the trick, you'll be out in 5 seconds.
by Icy Wyte January 2, 2018
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