A very popular manga written by Natsumi Mukai, and distributed by TokyoPop. It follows Cooro, Husky, Nana, and Senri (a crow, fish, bat, and bear +Anima respectively).

+Anima were, at some point, human, but gain the power of a certain animal. For example, in Cooro's case, he sprouts jet black wings from his back to fly. The +Anima have a human form, where the only sign of their +Anima is a tattoo where the change occurs.
I just got another issue of +Anima. I heard that Cooro fights in an arena in this one.

Rose is a cat +Anima, and her hand grows claws when she changes into her +Anima form, her hand grows claws.
by William Addler August 13, 2009
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Female portion of the human psyche as proposed by Carl Jung.
Also a powerful summon from Final Fantasy X who resembles a fish in a straitjacket.
Carl is sensitive, because he's in touch with his anima.
by Josh H June 6, 2003
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The Latin root of animus is cognate with Greek anemoi (wind), breath and Sanskrit aniti (he breathes).

In Italian, Spanish and Catalan, anima is most closely translated as "soul"

In Latin, animus and anima may both be translated as "soul" or "mind", depending on context.
anima is one of the two anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind

The word anima may come from the Proto-Indo-European language root *ane- ("to breathe")

(De Anima) is a major treatise by Aristotle on the nature of living things.
animussoulanimalto breatheProto-Indo-EuropeanmindAristotleliving thingsto breatheanimus

Artist reflecting anima Lluwellyn at : "Anima design with a breath of soul"
by la voz February 9, 2010
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Latin word for soul.

Devastatingly beautiful girl.
by Addirall October 22, 2020
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When connected to Final Fantasy, it is a popular name for a summon. In Final Fantasy X, Anima is the most powerful summon.

Another example is in the newest game, Final Fantasy XIII. In this game, Anima is not a summon, but something called a Fal'cie.
1.When I summoned Anima, I completely owned everything in sight.

2. Anima is one of the crappiest Fal'cie. I like Eden SO much more.
by Kuroneko97 May 23, 2010
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Elemental Magic as proposed by the American Fire Emblem game. Used by mages. Beaten by dark magic but beats light magic.
I cast EXCALIBUR on you, bitch, and your Shine is no match. I just gotta watch out for Luna...
by chaseafterstart June 25, 2004
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She's a pure soul , short- tempered , doesn't like to share her problems , looks rude but soft hearted person
Anima ,She's a lady boss
by Devisha November 23, 2021
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