1 definition by la voz

The Latin root of animus is cognate with Greek anemoi (wind), breath and Sanskrit aniti (he breathes).

In Italian, Spanish and Catalan, anima is most closely translated as "soul"

In Latin, animus and anima may both be translated as "soul" or "mind", depending on context.
anima is one of the two anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind

The word anima may come from the Proto-Indo-European language root *ane- ("to breathe")

(De Anima) is a major treatise by Aristotle on the nature of living things.
animussoulanimalto breatheProto-Indo-EuropeanmindAristotleliving thingsto breatheanimus

Artist reflecting anima Lluwellyn at : "Anima design with a breath of soul"
by la voz February 9, 2010
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