Premeditated possession of a licensed globicide I.C.B.M. worse than owning a butane airgun, a 36" cable TV channel is able to destroy a entire planet or earth with just a k.g. of antimatter and some thermite?
Cable TV tower is not like a safe purchased all inclusive licensed veiwing product like a rented series, having it is possibly possession of long range globicide vehicle?
by Cody5050 February 13, 2022
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A Canada Tower is when you have several (4+) women stacked on top of each other butt naked. You then take turns railing each individual girl, fairly quickly, so by the time you finish they all queef in perfect harmony.
“Dude, I went to the club the other night and totally caught myself a Canada Tower!”
“I Canada towered your mom, aunt, sister, and grandma the other night. You should’ve heard their queefs. Straight out of a horror movie.”
by Byrti October 4, 2021
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When a girl is lay'd on a table and 10 guys 5 on each side of the table. They then cum on her from the bottom to the top. Hens the term Ten Penny Tower.
by Nick nospmas June 7, 2013
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The one friend who helps you out by distracting annoying girls to get them away from you.
I can always count on Jonathan to be my hoe-tower.
by Grammarguncontrol November 10, 2014
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When you’re going down on your partner and without warning you run your tongue over their butthole.
Jessica was giving me head last night and she decided to buzz the tower!
by MegaMedic29588 June 17, 2022
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Fukuoka Tower is the landmark of Fukuoka City.

Height: 234m
Observatory height: 123m
Opened: March 17, 1989
From Fukuoka Tower, you can overlook the cityscape of Fukuoka City and the sea.
by knfukuoka November 23, 2021
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Tower of depression it's a tower on the wynncraft minecraft server where you need to do a quest, and you need to travel the world twice in a row to achieve it. After breaking your legs, you shall talk to that thicc man to say that you fucked up your life.

After doing this quest, you may get depression from how shit your life is, and this all happens because the player has somehow a sexual fetish for towers.
Player 1 - "Hey dude, finally i reached level 24! I think 'll do the mission of this level!
Player 2 - "You are my dearest friend!"
Player 1 - "Why'd u say that out of nowhere?"
Player 2- "Brb ima go eat some pineapple pizza."
Player 1- "kys already dude who eats pineapple pizza!"
later that night…
Player 1- *dies with depression from Tower of depression*
by Idon'thaveasoul October 20, 2018
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