Classification of a mature man used by a younger woman for the purpose of amorous entertainment during the winter months. Also known as a VWB.
She couldn't survive the cold night's of February without her vintage winter blanket.
by The Osirus February 15, 2016
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When a girl is so dry the condom stays inside her even though your dick doesnt, so you have to pull it out by hand.
Friend 1: Howd it go last night?

Friend 2: Man last night sucked, I had to pull the blanket out of the dryer
by MischievousDragon79 April 25, 2021
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Girlfriend: "Whats that under the blanket?"

Boyfriend: "Um... just a blanket lump."

Girlfriend: "Ok then..."
by QuestionablyLumpy November 22, 2015
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1.The blanket used during sexual intercourse by religious jews which has a cut out for the male genitalia as to minimize the physical contact between the husband and the wife while still having babies
Damn, Rachel will only let me use a mitzvah blanket, there is only a hole between us
by Tim pen123q2r June 13, 2010
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A strategy implemented when one breaks up with their significant other. Involves alot of talking to/befriending potential people who may want to be with their ex in order to put guilty thoughts in their head if they ever try, and ultimately stop them trying.
John: "Man, are you going to sleep with Steph or what? She's broken up with Mike!"

Dave: "Nah man, haven't you realised Mikes been blanketing? I'd feel bad if i did it now"
by samworthington May 23, 2010
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The unfortunate act of accidentally allowing your freshly-painted fingernails to come into contact with a blanket, thereby leaving a rough, uneven texture on the surface of the nailpolish.
"Crap! I just blanketed my nails!! Now I've got to take ALL the polish off and start over... fml."

"I hate blanketing my nails! Such a waste of time!"
by P. Aris February 5, 2012
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