Someone who derives sexual pleasure from the idea that there is a secret power controlling the people. Most common amongst republicans.
this is just like 1984
what do you have an Orwellian Fetish?
by mealon October 27, 2021
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simply put, an oxymoron
(fetishes are SEXUAL DESIRES meaning whether they contain intimate content themselves, they still explicit material and are NOT something you would show to your boss, a coworker, a classmate, or a teacher; let alone to a whole ass CHILD!)
Creep- "I post sfw fetish content on this page ^^"
Reader 1: ".... the fuck does that mean"
Reader 2: "Ahh I've seen this before, it means they want to distribute and market their porn to the lucrative 'underage' market"
(readers one and two then boo the creep off the stage with tomatoes)
by dinodoodler August 25, 2023
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A person who really.

appreciates the existence of daniels

i see you
"Did you know he has a Daniel fetish?"

"yeah, it's honestly pretty obvious"
by cocoa165 September 13, 2023
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someone who enjoys calling their closed ones creep for no fucking reason at all.
"Idhin you are so wholesome, what will I do without you?"
"creep only"
Shut up you perv with a creep fetish.
by BrainLag69Processing420 January 22, 2022
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when one has a sexual fantasy to fuck/have sex with someone who is either a farmer or simply someone on a farm.
"Joe has a account on"

"oh damn didn't know he had a Farmer Fetish."
by dongsilla December 12, 2014
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A temporary slaking of one's inherent craving fer toes dat you achieve by giving someone a lengthy foot-massage.
I find dat if I sit down wif a group of pretty girls and rub all of their cute slender tootsies in turn for five minutes apiece, I get a warm 'n' woozy foot-fetish fix dat usually lasts me for da rest of da day.
by QuacksO October 22, 2023
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A sexual fetish that is morally wrong for a person to have. Now it is normal to have a fetish (some of the most normal ones are boobs, butts, feet, hands, and noses) but there are some immoral and dangerous ones out there such as pedophilia (attraction to kids), zoophilia (attraction to animals), incest (attraction to relatives), and necrophilia (attraction to dead corpses).
It's fine to have a fetish as long as it's not one of those weird and immoral fetishes that no one should have like pedophilia or zoophilia.
by CelticEagle February 13, 2019
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