when you accidentally nut on dark colored clothing
Oh yeah mom, that’s just dog drool.”
by arcadesilence August 24, 2021
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When you are savagely raw dogging a woman from behind, and apon completion, release your dogs (semen) into her kennel (vagina)
You should have seen me last night bro, I became the top dog
by Topdog69420 June 24, 2023
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consisting of big ass titties and huge dick of the greatest variety everyone loves it and he humps shit then pees every where and turns White bears yellow.
Person 1: dude wheres "Smokey" the dog
Person 2:O he's outside pissing and cumming on everything
by Jesus4Brains October 14, 2007
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A dog thats called dennik and is a very good dog
Dennik The Dog Is A Good Doggo that plays with you 99% of the time
by ReeceRice November 23, 2020
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when someone does something for a long time and its hard to teach them new abilities.
you cant teach an old dog new tricks, my uncle never learned how to use his cellphone.
by Andre the CRACKER DACKER November 18, 2016
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