How many points Ronan often gets per player in fantasy football each week
Look, Ronan just got ones and twos again.
by DJ TRYB November 7, 2020
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You might not see a nut as an appetizing meal but another person who is really hungry can see that nut as a full course meal and make use of it.
It means that you should appreciate every nut that hits your stomach.
Person 1: Look at this sandwich... gross! Would you eat it if i gave it to you?
Person 2: Well, I am really hungry.
Person 1: I can't believe it! I guess one man's nut is another man's meal.
by Tuna Bananer August 17, 2018
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The mythical concept that there is exactly one person on the entire planet out there who will make you happy and that you're destined to end up together forever.

Encourages people to stay in bad relationships because they think love is a one-time thing and expect all of their emotional needs to be fulfilled by one person. Also conditions people to think they're not complete on their own.
Person 1: "I'm actually happy being single."
Person 2: "Oh, don't be ridiculous! You'll change your mind when you find The One™️!"
by knoife wielder February 4, 2022
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One anothering is when you do things for others. There are many ways that you care for others. In person. On the phone. In a letter. Take care of others. Say kind words to others. Build them up. Guide them. Feed them. Teach them. Etc.

It came to me from the Bible. There are over 50 times where the phrase "one another" is used. Take care of one another. lead one another, mentor one another. love one another and so on. I have a tattoo that says "One another each other.... God" as a daily reminder to do for others... My friends, Show love to each other.. One-another each other.
I was one-anothering a sick friend today

Even in this time of Social distancing we can oneanother on the phone or in text.

If we teach our kids one-anothering at an early age they will grow up to care about others and understand empathy.
by Dani65 April 5, 2020
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One anothering is when you do things for others.

It came to me from the Bible. There are over 50 times where the phrase "one another" is used. Take care of one another. lead one another, mentor one another. feed one another. love one another and so on. I have a tattoo that says "One another each other.... God" as a daily reminder to do for others... My friends, Show love to each other.. One another each other.
We need to teach our kids to one-another each other.

Especially in this time of crisis... We need to one-another each other.

One-anothering should be taught to children early on to help them learn compassion and empathy...
by Dani65 April 5, 2020
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A more modern version of, “two peas in a pod.” It’s when you and another individual(s) thinking/actions are so closely related that it’s uncanny.
We both wanted to get them a fruit basket for their birthday, we really are two airpods, one case!
by dona sweet November 7, 2021
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a one gene is someone who is basically a person that is special, ugly, fat, stupid! they are basically one gene away from being plain wrong!!
he is short, ginger and eats mac d's everyday and thinks france is in england one gene!
by lianne mc February 7, 2009
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