that feeling when you play an amazing game that leaves you depressed for months and no other game can make you feel the same way and it affects your mental health and personal life until you can find another game
friend 1: hey dude, have you ever played the walking dead?

friend 2: oh yeah that game made me fall into a video game depression
by epicgamer#06 December 20, 2019
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A whiny quote from Dr. Jordan Peterson
Dr. Jeepjorp Peepeestones "My ViDeO gOt TaKeN dOwN!"

Hym "More of your videos SHOULD be getting talen down because some of those references to me are either copyrighted or derivative. Are YOU (a highly credentialed mainstream intellectual) buying second hand content from Urban Dictionary, Jordan?"

Dr. Jordan Peterson "Identity is negotiated!"

Hym "I don't answer to PROPERTY, Jordan! You've been colonized! Except UP ONE LEVEL OF ABSTRACTION!"
by Hym Iam August 22, 2023
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A series of things to always remember when gaming in your lair

1. Thou shall play video games and keep them Holy
2. Thou shall drink Coca Cola Classic
3. Thou shall not throw thy game controller
4. Thou shall not use any cheating devices
5. Thou shall remember to save your game often
6. Thou shall take a 15 minute station break if thous is feeling frustrated
7. Thou shall not play video games on a school night
8. Thou shall treat thy game systems with respect
9. Thou shall be immature while playing Pokemon
10. Thou shall eat Supreme Pizza while playing videos
The 10 commandments of video games are special rules designed by me in order to have a good time while gaming
by FoxGuardJ October 1, 2019
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A video of two homos at the beach holding hands Execpt it didnt actually ever exist and fltwt somehow still fall for it everytime its mentioned.
beach video anon: hey so i saw ranboo and tubbo on the beach holding hands but-
the whole of fltwt: HOOLY SHITT!!!!!!
by fruityduotruther August 4, 2021
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1. A video that doesn't even have a point.
2. A video that is a waste of time.
3. A video that is no use.
Person 1: Let's watch that video, it looks cool!
Person 2: No you idiot, that's a pointless video!
by YTR76 October 8, 2021
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person 1: Yo bro send me a link to the tube video of that cat?
person 2: I gotchu
by flameguy788 October 31, 2021
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a very lame and annoying thing that teenage boys from the monterey bay area do. it is basicly like watching skinny boys fall while wearing helmets and knee pads.
skater 1 - dude did you see that gnarnly video of me skating?
by sar&sav January 10, 2012
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