Someone who has just been patched in a motorcycle club and thinks they run the world. They have no reguards to anything else except that they have been patch and they are highly obsessed with themselves. Nothing will stop them.
Dude, have you seen Chris lately? Ever since he got patched, he's such a patch head.
by sluttymcgabin January 24, 2012
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When your story has a hole in it you give it a story patch
Eric cleverly used a story patch when Emily accused him of lying
by The definer 2000 March 12, 2017
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The underlying hair beneath an otherwise shaved vagina; used to soften the blow of balls slapping and soaking up sex sweat.
Without that girl's smoosh patch, my balls would be hurtin'
by ZeroCool73 April 2, 2016
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this mf has the biggect BootyCheeks ive ever seen on a man
i mean the ckae is perfectly like an oval and this mf has some on the best arch ive seen around bro like hot damn
Milo Stickler: Patch Lastname get them big BootyCheeks out of here right now
by leverticus tomerticus April 29, 2022
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Taking a kief dusted nugget of marijuana and inserting it into your rectum, to experience euphoric pleasure and an unparalleled high.
Cabbage Patching that nugget got me feeling so euphoric!
by Mmmmmmmm1000 March 8, 2023
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a term used when a pedophile is going to go pick out a random child to rape
That creep at the playground is cabbage patching our kids. Someone call the police.
by The Lady Rowan July 30, 2016
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