What you yell when you flashing someone your nips.
"Hey Shannon, Nips Ahoy!" **Lifts up shirt**
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A house with a bunch of places to sit, some finger foods and a ton of alcohol. $10 to get in, opens as soon as the bars close.
“Damn, the bar is closing. Time to continue at the nip house!”
by Chopss April 26, 2018
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Boobs that have a point at the end of them, also referred to as "triangle boobs."
Dude, last night, I saw a girl and she totally had a pair of Rifle Nips.
by Thatguyoverthere. May 3, 2012
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(noun). A piquantly prosodic way to refer to a friend who is acting like a moron. Warning don't use this term in a real battle of urban-dictionary prowess given the self-humbling nature of using the prefix douche with the sharp suffix nip. As in there are many more blunt sounding and effective terms such as douche cock, douche cunt, douche fucker...
Me: "John you're a real douche nip"

John: "Wow I'm really not all that offended. You sure are a puss bitch"
by Millkz Plz April 9, 2011
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when someone cuts off your nipples and you die forever alone.
example. Jaxson cut off Bridgets nipples oops sorryabut that nip snip!
have you ever heard of the snydrom nip snip?
by sexy animae April 3, 2016
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“Hey dude sorry I crashed your car by accident
“Aw nips :(“
by Spider baby January 22, 2023
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