When a person's logical does not make any sense at all.
John: I think 2+2=19
Adam: That's Kentucky Logic
by Sir Henry Doyle June 22, 2021
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Logic, that while is true doesn't stand up against much.
Bob: A turtle is only a turtle because we call it that.
Bobette: That's poofy logic, man.
by UnsocialGamer September 20, 2017
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A holiday celebrated annually on October 5th (Neil DeGrasse Tyson's birthday) that celebrates science, nature, and logic. You eat bacon (although it isn't required), enjoy science and nature, and give gifts related to those things. Let's all do it! Spread the word! # logicday
Every year my family celebrates Logic Day by visiting our local museum.
by BunnyBang September 22, 2014
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When something is so illogical, it cannot be considered f*ck logic anymore. Instead, it's duck logic.
"The show's writers say they are writing away from romance, yet they give the main characters new love interests. I can't with the duck logic..."
by Ezin December 30, 2016
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person 1: Wtf Simple logic stop it
Simple logic: *mean words*

*five mins later as soon as simple logic goes away*

tingles: Omg guys what happened?!
by A very hot person December 9, 2019
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Having intelligence, yet acting like a Fucktard on purpose for show or to hide a fact. Can sometimes be done in sarcasm
Politics are filled with logical fucktards

He/she knows better, hes just being a logical fucktard, because he doesnt want to be liable for his actions
by Cypher_Xero December 8, 2020
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