What your vagina becomes when a female places her hands between her thighs for warmth
Kelly: "Gosh it's cold out here!"
Krista: "Place them in your nature mitten."
by PiRaTiCaL WeNcH October 9, 2012
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Is when someone farts in a public pool such as a community pool, when close to another person, then swims away quickly.
I gave this black lady at the pool today a natural jacuzzi. She was not happy!!
by Coontry Chicken July 8, 2019
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when a tree randomly explodes
when you get hurt by nature's grenade will most likely end in death.
by John_doe42069 September 19, 2023
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When one completely obliterates another's emotions
Don't even get me started son before i Naturally disaster your emotions
by SWAGAHOLIC + 100 January 10, 2012
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Any external unstoppable force so strong and so unpredictable that it cannot be quantified. Humans have grown to think about themselves as masters over their environment, but when face to face with mother nature, we lose. Every. Single. Time.

Only the wise will understand and accept that nothing, not even humans and their scientific prowess, can control mother nature. The fool, on the other hand, deludes themselves into thinking that they are impervious to anything.

Be smart, don't ever underestimate mother nature.
COVID-19 is mother nature's wake up call that the human condition is and always has been fragile. Apparently, some very special individuals did not understand her wake up call and continue to live life accordingly to their rules. We call those very special individuals "anti-maskers".
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Naturally dead is the term in the royal family in England where a child is catholic or a bastard child or both.
The son was a bastard and a catholic so he is "naturally dead."
by Luke Sweeney June 3, 2022
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What's the nature of that problem
by May 4, 2022
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