The truth about something
The truth about a person place or thing
The absolute truth on a subject
What is the four one one about how to get food stamps approval
by Granpa Money July 27, 2022
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In dodge ball, one who can swing the ball side armed and must be 300 pounds plus.
In elementary school we had a teacher we named the one armed balboa. She could hit anyone with a ball at deadly force.. This was before political correctness.
by Petesbeeps July 16, 2017
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The ultra schwey of instincts. Never used in an ironic fashion.
Dude, this is TOAC. The One Above Cool (something absolutely awesome in any possible way).
by FashtyMcbrikostore2045 February 14, 2022
Get the the one above cool mug. get your ass rolled very quickly, usually in one punch.

2. jumping someone never to be seeing them again.
guy 1: Remember that time that Thomas one-timed his older broter.
guy 2: yeah after he dropped the x-box controller and then got mad at Thomas.
guy 1: yeah, Thomas totally one-timed his ass again.
by JOHN THOMAS CHRIS GRAHM. January 25, 2009
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When, you get pulled over by the police, and end up in jail that night. It only takes one time!

or when you happen to pull a girl and get her in the shack sack for a lay back tap tap. also known as a one night stand.
example 1. hey man did you hear about Nasi? no what? He got shackie one timed, for not having the set tags! He also had that snap crackle and pop, in his trunk.

example 2. So what happend last night with you and that blondie? man you don't want to know. did you shackie one time that?
by Abtrainowtheeast January 13, 2011
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A RGB gaming keyboard used to play COD fortnite and ETC.
woah u have a ducky one 2 mini
by gamerKID54324567 October 31, 2020
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Someone who leaves a 1-star online review, just to troll a company.
We fired Josh last month, and now he's leeaving negative reviews for each of our products. What a one-star assassin
by richkid98 August 13, 2018
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