
This implies that the said audience remains noobs because of his incompentency
Wow bro 15 minutes and youre 0/10 in top lane? Noob stay noob.
by Lazada 11 11 sale November 18, 2020
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Sunglasses (typically worn indoors) specifically to conceal the eyes and the signs of drug influence, such as redness, light sensitivity, dilation, pinning, inability to focus on a single visual stimulus, inability to not focus on a single visual stimulus.
Him: I'm pretty sure they are doing drugs at work!
Her: What makes you say that?
Him: They are twitchy all the time and are always wearing those stay highs.
by Thy Majestic Hawk December 23, 2021
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When your friend needs to fucking chill
"Stay on slick Daniel"
by Glidit December 14, 2015
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The act of being or acting like a chode, (small, chubby-like penis). Usually a form of criticism towards one-another.
Tony: Lex! You're shirt is tight breh!

Lex: Fuck you Tony, stay choded..

arthur: Buster, are you a fucking rabbitt?
Buster: Arthur, your book series is gay.. now stay choded
by Knockin your mom May 9, 2010
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A phrase used by a group of online femboys signaling theyre about to initiate a gang bang
stay fatal oni chan!~
by bgilldingal September 3, 2022
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From the italian "Stai manzo". Mainly used to tell to someone to keep calm, even if he shouldn't.
WARNING: Do NOT use this near a vegan! Injueries may occur!
Oh c'mon man, stay beef!
by Maxys November 20, 2017
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