A person who rides around in an old beat up pick up truck looking through peoples trash for metal scrap to take to the junkyard to exchange for cash.
Junk Fuck: "You got major electrical problems, dude"

Ken: "Who was that guy?":

Brian: "Oh, some Junk Fuck"
by Superood February 18, 2023
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A company that gets rich off eviction notices.
Someone tied to the company 1-800-got-junk might not only help get rid of your stuff, they might try and help get you evicted, that way somebody will call the company, even if none of the stuff in your home was junk to you.
by Solid Mantis March 20, 2020
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Junk (bet) – Referred to as Dots, the bet involves earning a point, or Dot, for predetermined achievements during a round of golf. Dots are assigned a monetary value, say $1. Dots include, but are not limited to: Birdie, Chippie, Greenie, Mongolian Reversal (bet), Sandie, Barkie, Rockie, and the elusive Skullie (bet), almost earned by one of the clowns at the road on 4.
That fuckin’ Murphquake, he intentionally hits it into the bunkers just to get Junk (bet)!
by Just another clown June 21, 2020
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Obscure sexual act in which a mailbox slot is used as a glory hole
John: "Dude, i totally did a Junk Mail on Mary's house!"
Matt: "Haha that's a sick prank!"
by PolarTheBear April 3, 2011
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Did you hear that tom totally junk mailed linda last nite!
by 203628 April 2, 2011
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a sexual act in which one uses a mail slot as a glory hole
The lascivious postal worker reaccepted George's "junk mail".
by GILLTERONTO April 2, 2011
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the obscure sexual act referring to gloryholing through a mailbox slot in someone's door. first refereed to in cyanide and happiness comic #2373
steve: hows the mailman going john?

john: awesome, dropped off my package in my neighbor's door yesterday, gave them some junk mail.

steve:aw, tha's nastyyy.
by GotAPackageForYou April 2, 2011
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