As described by David Sirlin in his e-book "Playing to Win"

A person who plays a competitive game with a personal set of rules that the designers game and the tournament community don't recognize. Usually these rules prevent the scrub from having to put forth the effort to to learn to beat tactics that are above his skill level in a game.

Scrubs will feel that those that don't follow their personal rule-sets as if they were cheating, and complain incessantly attempting to peer-pressure others into following their personal rules for the game.

Scrubs can be recognized by the cry of "That's cheap!" in most player vs. player, competitive video games.
Playing Street Fighter:
Scrub: "You just threw me, that's cheap as hell!"

Competitive player: "Stop being a scrub and learn how to tech throws..."

Playing a Trading Card Game:
Scrub: "Using deck lists off of the internet is unoriginal, and takes no skill since all of the cards are expensive..."

Competitive player: "Whatever, do you want to go best out of 6 now that I've beaten you three times in a row?"
by smitty76 October 25, 2011
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A person who lacks skills at fighting games.
1. Hey, that n00b is a scrub
2. That scrub can't even parry
3. David Wise
by X March 2, 2005
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1 A nurse or intern . 2 A backup on a sports team. 3 To clean something using a scrubbing motion. 4 Zach Braff or Donald Faison
A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fine , also known as a bus stop.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 13, 2017
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It's Used in the Online gaming community as a Derogatory word for some who is Not new at the game but who Just isn't very good, or someone who thinks they are the best, by how they talk, or by how they act. If you Type using non-words like "da" instead of The, "wit" instead of with, or other Non-words of the like because you think you are cool
"Yo G, I just saw dis dude ridin' wit his homie dat hads a car, ima guessin he ain't gots no moneez fool."

"Stfu Scrub."
by Redshore;Zak July 17, 2009
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when someone dresses lazy or like a bum.
"man I look like a total scrub today"
by ckirk October 14, 2013
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This is also 1930's slang for a poor college student.
Matthew is a real scrub. I don't think he ever leaves the campus, and he has a hard time getting a job- but he's a good guy.
by Athene Airheart May 1, 2004
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A lazy person who acts like a prick and or jerk, and or a person who acts lame.
Look at that scrub over there why doesn't he get a job.

Quit being a scrub and take out the trash.

Bob- "Wanna go play some football?"

Steve- "No I have to go read for class"

Bob- "You're such a Scrub"
by lilgogo August 31, 2010
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