A topless lawn game enjoyed by surgical residents
Hey, tonight after the board exam we're going to play Lactated Ringers on The Oval! Who's in?
by CardinalRed August 17, 2012
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When you take a shit so big that it hits your balls on the way down when you finally pinch it off.
I went to take a shit and it was a bell-ringer
Past tense: bro I just went to the bathroom and got my bell rung
by Aylmao122 January 28, 2016
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When you are preforming oral sex and your dick hits their uvula.
I gave her a bell ringer last night.
by ticer September 12, 2022
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A synonym for "cash register" used mostly by lifeguards suffering from ADD.
Johannes: So, Mildred, I didn't know you had to work the snack bar too.

Mildred: Yea, but we don't use a ringer upper since everything costs 75 cents.
by Hans from Freshman Science August 13, 2009
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A person who is known for making accidental calls on their cell phone when it is in their back pocket.
Michael is such a butt ringer he called me 5 times today and I think one of the times he farted.
by O'smama March 2, 2009
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A girl whose pu$$y just can't be beat.
'Toya is a bell ringer.
by 'Toya June 5, 2007
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