A man whose sole purpose in life was to write books that would in the future make children in schools feel very bored and sleepy and torment high schoolers forever.
by thegirlinthegreenscarf April 26, 2010
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An asshole author, who saw into the future and wrote shitty books to punish young souls. Ex: A Tale of Two Shitheads (Cities)
guy 1: Dude yesterday i finally finished sparknoting A Tale of Two Cities. It sucked!
guy 2: I know man, if Charles Dickens (Dickhead) was still alive, i would shove his books up his ass.
by dopeboy10 February 12, 2009
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he also wrote great expectations, a book about retards in London. And Pip, the biggest jerk to walk the fictional planet.
person: yur acting pretty charles dickens man.

other person: yeah sorry, it's my period. >.>
by cybermachine March 28, 2009
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unjustly overbearing, irrationally, to be unjust like Scrooge, ridiculous, unfair,
"it's hot like the Dickens" (said in chappelle's show)

"My salary is like the Dickens"
by Reynaldo J. July 13, 2008
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Rubbing a butt chin against a males genitals.
Taylor gave me an amazing Chicken Dicken last night.
by AnnaLuvsBubbles July 9, 2014
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to be full of the mf dickens, to have the spirit of a raging Charles Dickens through your blood stream
i've been cooped up in this dark room all day i just need to get out and release some serious energy. i'm "full of the dickens!"
by katrinagoldfinch February 12, 2011
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