Stephen is a beautiful man inside and out. Pronounced (Stef-en). He may not believe it, but he is always the most liked person in the room. He has perfect brown eyes and a smile that makes any person fall in love with him. Stephen is very real with everyone he meets, but is also the most stubborn person you might ever meet. Stephen tends to have low self esteem, but on good days he feels as if he is on top of the world and makes sure everyone knows it. He is a dedicated hard worker who is committed to making others happy before himself.
You see that guy over there with the beautiful brown eyes? Yeah, that’s a Stephen
by Pantsasinjeans May 31, 2018
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This is the name of the man who is the best boyfriend ever. It’s like his sole reason for being on Earth is to make sure you’re loved, adored, and pampered. You’ll always feel respected, heard, and appreciated. You can open up and share your deepest secrets, fears, insecurities, and worries and he will reply with nothing less than complete affirmation and support. He’s the best kisser, funniest jokester, and will plan the most perfect spontaneous dates. He’s got amazing hair, eyes, and smile. He’s got a plethora of brilliance that shines from his amazing personality. If you get the privilege of dating Stephen, supply him with trail mix, water (hold the lemon,) and gorilla munch and he’ll have the sustenance to worship you as his queen.
by Savagepearl October 3, 2019
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A cunt...
Stephen’s a cunt!
by KRISPY BRATAN August 20, 2019
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a psycopathic person who thinks highly of himself and shares a youtube channel with two other people.
RP: hey, isnt that stephen?

RP2: yeah, it is!
by Shollie November 3, 2019
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a perverted kid, but i love him. hes the reason i still live where i live now. i love you
God Stephen you make my life hell, but i love you.
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A Stephen is someone who will never admit he is wrong and half the time he really is. You love him but at the same time you really hate him. He is pretty crazy and won't hesitate to hurt you at any given moment. He is a very smart individual and will rub it in your face if you give him the chance, so don't give a Stephen the chance.. He is a dick around the bros, although he is funny at times, but he is sweet when he wants to be. Stephens are actually very sweet people deep down. He has style, but that is something that you should never let onto either. It will boost his already big ego too much. He will watch TV with you and repeat every line he finds hilarious and then laugh obnoxiously. But you always love a Stephen's laugh too. Mostly he is a man of mystery for no reason, no reason.
You: So I thought it was so funny when---

Stephen: Hey, hey, can I get you to raise your hand? Yeah, that's who cares.
by Lilbreebriiiiiiiii May 27, 2014
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A complete and utter prick. If you ever meet a Stephen just walk away and do yourself a favour as he will make you miserable. Usually a lanky streak of piss with a cocktail sausage penis which he doesn't know how to use, so the term 'it's not the size that matters, it's how you use it' is completely irrelevant.
This one time I met a Stephen and he was so ugly I nearly became blind
by HeyitsdoubleD December 11, 2016
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