After simple snogging, John and Martha decided to try a snog in the grass.
by Margott October 19, 2007
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The action of ones tounge licking another persons asshole.
Damn dude, that guy is bum snogging that chick off the chair.
by JoshuaRay September 12, 2007
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when you play drinking games with mates while out, whoeva loses as got to snog a ugly girl/boy that the rest of the group as chosen
Ash: 'you lost go snog a dog'
carl: 'which one?'
Ash: 'the one with the ginger hair & bulldog face'
carl: 'please god no!'
by quagmirerichards October 23, 2008
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A player, a guy who steals other guys chicks.

A whore, a girl who steals other girls guys.
Look, there's that Snog Hog who took my girl.
by MCRiley May 14, 2008
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The Snogging Stick:
Also known as a brolly. The stick is a very important piece of equipment that stops the Gross Mating Rituals Of Hormonal Teenagers or G.M.R.O.H.T. The Snogging Stick has been proven to stop teenage pregnacy and other people having to witness couples sucking face (especially noisy kissers namming no names.) Do not mock the stick!!!
If a couple were showing a little too much PDA (Public Display of Affection) On would take there Snogging Stick (Brolly) and hit both of the LIGHTLY! more of a tap on the head to stop them and thier kissing. Note: The Snogging Stick is not for violence just to stop G.M.R.O.H.T.
by Gertie October 27, 2007
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Someone that likes to snog bum whole with or without tongues.
Harley don't be such a ring snogger and give that guy his wallet back.
by elshorshino May 14, 2011
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To snog someone without touching them with anything else but the mouth.
"Billy Semi-snog me, meaning you dont try to touch any of my body, just my lips, mouth and tounge....and maybe nose"
by Qsac August 20, 2006
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