The nasty little debris that populate a filthy vagina.
Hey bro, you've got a sour scab stuck in your curly mustache.
by Ranchgirls December 11, 2020
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one who fills a position left vacant by employee who refused mandatory vaccination by employer
10% of the construction industry resigned because they wouldn't take the mandatory vaccine. Their jobs were filled by jab scabs.
by Lupi33 September 26, 2021
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Generally used to refer to a filthy person with gross habits. Assuming they're already gross enough to continually pick at scabs and eat them. Meth addicts are often associated with this term as they constantly pick at their scabs and eat them to get residual meth in the blood.
Uugghh! That dude looks like a total scab farmer!
by carboncobalt July 12, 2014
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A 'Rabbit Scab' is someone who is relying on the social welfare system to live and deliberately conceives children (or additional children) whom they know will also be dependent on the welfare system. Typically, this is just people who don't think about the fact that they are ripping off tax payers, but in many cases, a rabbit scab will actually have children for the sole purpose of avoiding work and increasing their weekly government hand out.
Rabbit scabs are considered to be lower than junkies, fraudsters and even outright thieves. The term rabbit scab gives a label to this class of society so they can be exposed for what they are, and others who intend to follow in their footsteps will think twice and perhaps choose to become decent human beings instead.
Man, I heard '*****' is pregnant again and her man still doesn't have a job. Those two are such rabbit scabs!
by Expose December 13, 2014
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When someone with a skin prepares food with their bare hands.
He used his crusty hands to shred the pork, now we have scab-a-que.
by Risk perdiction May 31, 2015
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(noun) A dried piece of shit left on a dick after anal sex.

As Tyrone was scratching his itchy balls, a fag-scab fell to the floor.
by Thugzillaa April 8, 2009
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A yeast infection similar to the blue waffle. It was originated in South Africa and then spread towards the north and onto Eurasia. Experts have not found a cure yet but research is in progress.
1st guy: Eww my girl had this bad blue waffle
2nd guy: you sure it wasn't a Scab Cake?
1st guy: what's that? Well it looked all scabby.
2nd: yep that's it. You might wanna get her checked.
by oozy the wise June 30, 2014
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