To move one's hips as if running, but not one's legs.
Damn, that girl can run it. Wow.
by Rose says "Hollah!" November 17, 2005
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"Hey man you look out of it, are you running?"

"Yeah I just got some more dank."
by swfool September 10, 2010
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A rather effective mode of transportation. Basically, the act of walking faster, but slightly different. Should not be confused with a sport. Is a major part of many sports, but not a sport itself.
Damn, that guy is running fast because he is trying to get to (insert name of place).
by iamprettycool March 19, 2009
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a nigga that’s always running away from : people, fights,problem etc
Run Ricky,Yeah He Runnin
Run Ricky Run
by Br.y June 5, 2019
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When skateboarding and, landing a sketchy trick like a 270 flip you ''run it'' as a slang for do over
Dude that inward was wack' ''Run It''
by WR$ June 10, 2009
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Abbreviation of 'Rave Nuns': members of a religious community of women, typically living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, that have transgressed their faith and enjoy raving to drum and bass music.
I just saw a group of Runs at the drum and bass concert.
by Sweaty Rock December 24, 2019
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person 1 : did you know fake love is bts’ best title track ?

person 2 👑 : wrong!!!! run is actually their best title track and no other title track ( except black swan ) can outdo run !!! 😂🤣🤣🤣😂
by runoutsold February 14, 2022
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