A shitty person who actually believes they’ve done No wrong, and any/all problems in their life stem from other people. They’re always in the right, and can act however they want, while everyone else has to abide by their beliefs
Tia is such a self-righteous hypocrite, she called me a drug addict while she was standing in a corner talking to herself, tweeked out on molly.
by HJD3 November 5, 2019
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A term for what motivates a keyboard warrior (or moral grandstanding in general.)

Morality or ethics isn't the point. Genuine concern for the issue they're talking about, isn't the point. And social status/clout, doesn't quite cover their motivations either. Because this is a very specific kind of affirmation seeking.

People who are righteous indignation junkies today, are basically like a modern representation of the Salem Witch Trial crew...They've just exchanged their pitch forks for keyboards, and stake kindle for declarations of hardline"wokeness".

Just as some hivemind Salem dipshits, got a dopamine/neuroepinephrine rush, burning people at the stake back in the day (because they thought their actions were on the side of the angels)...Today's righteous indignation junkies are motivated by a similar chemical cocktail.

It's just that torture and public executions aren't a common pastime anymore, so that thirst for blood had to get a post-modern rebranding. That's what today's insincere moral outrage essentially is. Blood thirstiness channelled into a more socially acceptable package.
Have you ever come across someone who appears to constantly jump on the bandwagon of angry editorial headlines, without really knowing or caring about the topic at hand? Do all their posts have a tone of righteous indignation? Do they never talk about things that might improve a social issue (or things that are currently being done)? Does it appear like critical thinking is a foreign country in their brain? And everything they say is motivated by wanting to feel righteously indignant?

That's a righteous indignation junkie.
by Olive989 March 26, 2023
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"that self righteous bitch! who does she think she is?"
by Teishii September 16, 2015
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Natasha Tynes
I see you drinking that coffee when you aint even on break, don't make me go all Natasha Tynes on yo ass like some kinda self righteous bitch !!
by Carly McDougalfuddy May 14, 2019
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He is a righteous man
This righteous nigger alex is kinda worshiping and praying
by Troy46930473 December 6, 2020
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The Righteous Warriors of True Rockage are first off and foremost, a guild of loyal Toast Machine fans. We pledge our allegiance to the flag of The United Truths of Rockage. These truths are as follows:

1. To live and to rock as hard as possible at all possible times
2. To help others live their lives to the fullest in the ways of true Rockage.
3. To promote Rockage and truth of its being to all.

We live this way because Toast Machine has called upon us, and it was said "as we set out on our noble venture - to bring true Rockage to the world - we shall face much difficulty. We summon thee to our aid!"

And as the message was said, The Righteous Warriors of True Rockage (TRWOTR) said, "It shall be done!"

All RWOTR start out at the rank of a lowly page, and shouldst they show glory in the field, other ranks are made available, such as Squire, Infantry, Cavalry, Knight, Knight Lord and Lady Knight.

We are in the ranks of the greatest alliances to have ever walked the face of this planet and we shall continue fighting until the great troubadours Toast Machine know both fame and success we their rocking music.
We are the Righteous Warriors of True Rockage.

To bad your band doesn't have Righteous Warriors of True Rockage like Toast Machine.

To be one of the Righteous Warriors of True Rockage, you must first possess only the noblest of mind and valiant of spirit.
by BlackDragon January 24, 2007
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