pointy means when a person is dumb, unintelligent, or slow
by giselleispointy May 13, 2022
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When someone or something is extraon point

When someone is really fit.
His body’s looking pointy. He’s obviously been working out.

This new flavor or Doritos is pointy son!
by Holographic_boy July 6, 2019
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A Broom used by Guyanese people usually made of Palm strands of Palm Trees. Usually used when the strands are new and crisp. Can be also used the beat people
"Go catch ya bed befor me beat ya rass with a pointy broom:
by bevarnow May 24, 2019
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The act of pressing a mans nipples against cold glass until they are protruding the putting on a deep v and walking around pretending that they are a woman.
Awesome guy 1: hey checkout that chick in the deep v. Awesome guy 2: eww fuck do u not realise thats jacob doing a cheeky pointy
by nip paul June 4, 2014
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when you sharpen you dick with a pencil sharpener or a razor blade
I was so bored on the weekend i gave my dog a pointy boner.
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