That period of time for teachers that is simply known as 'summer' to the general populace.

It refers to the fact that during the summer months, teachers "don't have to work today or tomorrow." Thus, making every day a Saturday.
Joe Plumber: "sorry man, I can't come out tonight. I gotta work tomorrow."

Frank the Teacher: "you're working in a Saturday?"

Joe Plumber: "tomorrow's Tuesday!"

Frank the Teacher: "huh, feels like a Saturday ..."

Joe Plumber: "damn Perpetual Saturdays ..."
by Ol Grimey August 29, 2013
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A horrible, horrible play that was performed at the UCF One Act Festival.
Did you see Perpetual Bliss?

Yeah, that show sucked. It was like an episode of "The Office" but without the good acting or witty writing.
by thehonestone12 April 12, 2009
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The act of jerking off indefinitely, self-powered by your own jerking off. There is no energy loss in this scenario, so it could hypothetically run forever, much like a perpetual motion machine.
I called my buddy but no answer. He's probably stuck in perpetual lotion.
by hibbityjibbity March 5, 2020
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When you have the munchies so bad you start to get hangry, but never get full from eating, which fuels your hangriness even more
Karl: I have the munchies so bad, I’m perpetually hangry.

Sebastian: you good bro?

Karl: no I’m not good. I’ve eaten half the charcuterie board, a bag of pretzels, and 4 slices of pizza. I’m about to order more. I can’t get full and I’m about to fight the girls hoarding the rest of the food.

Sebastian: calm dow…


(Based on real events)
by Karlmalthus April 2, 2022
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This chapter is perpetual, it feels like I have been reading for it 3 hours
by Yeetus tha September 28, 2021
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Chronic disorder of always being a whiney little bitch. Usually affiiliated with a man possessing effeminate qualities,annoying voice, and a face you just want to punch . Men and women alike distest this individual.
WTF is that guys problem!? All he does is bitch and complain. I just want to punch him in the head! Clearly a case of PPS (perpetual pussy syndrome)
by IncognitoAF June 24, 2017
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It's the cycle of only eating corn until your body is only processing and releasing sweetcorn. Your body becomes reliant on corn. You could eat the same corn again this the cycle continues.
Did you hear about uncle Ron? He's gone on the perpetual cornage diet
by Rhbrhngf May 10, 2023
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