Midwest term? Person with really short hair like a crew cut. Used in a negative sense.
There was a bunch of cutters acting like D-bags at the Phish show.
by avant/chi fan February 3, 2009
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The act of using your body as a canvas to paint the tears of your heart.
Cutters are people whose hearts have been broken.

Maddy was a wanna be cutter cos she thought it was the emo way.
by The Moody Poet October 26, 2006
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a cutter is a person who isnt really okay with themselves or their surroundings so they self-harm, a cutter is a person who often gets called "emo" and gets bullied for it or just bullied in general.
That cutter's life must suck I feel so bad.
by fml_im_a_loser May 23, 2023
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Money. See nadsat, the slang language used in A Clockwork Orange.
"Can you spare some cutter me brother?"
by apatheticgenius July 26, 2005
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someone who cuts themselves(emos)sometimes its just someones way of crying, or they do it just to feel the rush, or because its the only pain they know how to control control.
do you know a cutter?
if your friend:
1) alwayse wears long sleeves
2) has cuts, bruises, or burns that don't heal and can't be explained
3) is much more withdrawn than usual
by paris243545678687453 August 27, 2006
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In baseball, a cutter, or cut fastball, is a type of fastball which breaks slightly as it reaches home plate. This pitch is somewhere between a slider and a fastball, as it is usually thrown faster than a slider but with more motion than a typical fastball. A common technique used to throw a cutter is to release a fastball with slight pressure from the tip of the middle finger.

The cut fastball is famously associated with Mariano Rivera, a relief pitcher for the New York Yankees. Rivera has become one of the best closers in Major League Baseball history by relying heavily on this pitch. Rivera's cutter is particularly effective because of the significant amount of movement (away from right handed batters and in on the hands of left handed batters) that he is able to achieve while still throwing the ball around 95 mph. Al Leiter rode his cutter to 162 career wins and a no-hitter. Esteban Loaiza effectively used a cutter to help him win 21 games in 2003.
Mariano Rivera retired the entire side using only his cutter to secure his 40th save of the season.
by pimpdady April 5, 2006
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A smart athletic guy that all the girls want
All the girls in the school wants Cutter .
by Cutter21 February 21, 2018
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