The magical land where Republicans come from and hope to return too. Common features include The Cold War, but against either Nazi's or the bad guys from Rocky and Bullwinkle, a Pleasantville environment, everyone gets along and there are no minorities, and Jesus who ahs returned and smites the unworthy. Those lost in Republican Narnia may remain there temporarily or permanatley, it is often completly treatable.
"My mom keeps warning me about STDs, I don't even have a girldfriend."
"She must be in Republican Narnia"
by Nick E. May 10, 2006
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When someone refuses to come out of the closet and instead have a bearded life with a wife or husband, they are Narnia Gay
'Wow he's so far in the closet he's stuck in Narnia, He's Narnia Gay'

Person 1: Wait Susan has a boyfriend? I thought she was lesbian...?

Person 2: I think she's Narnia Gay'
by htynxdkckidc765 May 4, 2011
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A sexual act involving two men, a woman, a wardrobe with a hole cut out in the back, and a faun costume. Have the woman crawl into the wardrobe, sticking her head through the hole that has been cut out. When she is positioned properly, a man is then to mount the woman and perform sexual intercourse while the other man, dressed as Mr. Tumnus, receives oral sex on the other side of the wardrobe.
I'm just glad Carl still had that faun costume, otherwise we couldn't have given that bitch The Full Narnia!
by skinny white boy July 12, 2014
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When a friend/person you are seeing stops hanging out for no apparent reason and is unable to be reached by any conventional means.
Bob: Yo have you seen John lately? He never hangs out anymore.

Andrew: I havent either. Guess he moved to Narnia.
by Dancendiary July 1, 2009
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The state of being so far into the closet that you are in Narnia, syn: flamer
Bill: Damn yo, that Merrick kid is Narnia Gay!

Joe: Tell me about it, look at the pink hsirt and those earrings
by Casella August 15, 2008
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When a person is so far in the closet about being gay that they don't even realize it themselves. As though they are living in an alternate universe.

Also see Narnian
So Scott has been dating Sarah for 4 years now and they have only had sex twice and he only seems to only get turned on around other guys? Wow, he's Narnia Deep.
by Duir1981 June 17, 2011
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