Derived from the book, "Of Mice and Men" mouse can refer to someone dumber than Larry, particularly a blonde skank who thinks shes smart, but is dumb as fuck. A mouse often make damickey or outrageous comments that once made, are instantly used to pick on said mouse. The mouse typically makes friends with the smartest person in the nearby vicinity(The George of the situation), as it could not survive on its own. (What a dumb bitch). As we know, even with a smart friend, Larry eventually will be killed. Therefore, we can conclude that the mouse is worthless, and should be removed as soon as possible.
Guy 1: That girl that sits behind you in Calculus is so dumb.
Guy 2: Yeah, she is such a mouse.
Mouse: What't a mouse?
Guy 1 + 2: Nothing you fucking slut.

Later that day:

Mouse: George, I don't understand.
George: That's because you are a mouse.
Mouse: No, I am a female.
George: Shut the fuck up... Mouse.
by TeamDank February 20, 2013
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A Furry little mammal that does nothing useful except eat your food and shit and piss all over your house and spread diseases, and they make great cat food lol (cats catch them)
Theres a fucking mouse in the house again gotta set some traps, get the gun :)
by coondog1234 July 24, 2008
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a female out for your money ("cheese"), a gold digger
"damn stacy ive heard about her thats a mouse for real"
by Ganksta March 13, 2003
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Mouse is such a gay
by alex February 10, 2004
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The act of tea bagging while fully erect.Dropping ones balls on anothers head or shoulder while "hard". Thus creating a long shaft or "nose"and floppy ears resembling those of a mouse.
You have just been moused by your buddy.
by Daeg Odinson November 18, 2010
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when you have been fucked over or screwed by someone else...with our without knowing it...
John got two tickets from the police, he got his ass moused bad...
by theman1968 March 12, 2010
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1. A primitive mammal classified as a rodent, does not actually like cheese.
2. A small device used to control the computer, place tape under the scanner for April Fools to mess with it.
1. A mouse eating cheese is a myth.
2. A computer mouse moves the arrow by being moved with your hand.
by WhoDatFreshBoi April 1, 2017
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