The most hated word in the English language. Means 'wet' and is often used to relate to the state of a female's nether regions.
Aaron: I made her so moist last night!
Bill: I know, right?
Charles: Shut up, I hate that word.
by Chaotic Good Half Elf Mage January 18, 2012
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Lame, boring; the opposite of lit.
Bob: Dawwgggg this party lit af!!
Darnell: Your party moist, where the alcohol at?
by MoistMaster69 July 14, 2016
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Moist: this term is used when someone says/does something so idiotic or stupid. Also used to describe an "uncool" person, another way to say this is "wet" which means the exact same thing.
Boy: "4+7= 13? Right?"
Friend: "13?! HAHAHAHA NO! You're so moist!"

*uncool person walks by*
Girl: "Oh my god, look at her ugly clothes, so wet."
by chirpyy March 26, 2015
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describing someone or something that looks bad a hot mess sounds bad or looks bad.
1.damn, dat bitch look real moist ! sound real moist right now, stop it !
3.Man, that chick was lookin so moist last night i had to leave.
by JayszWifeyy15 December 17, 2008
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What Luke B becomes when he sees Sadie Sink
Luke sees Sadie sink:OMG ITS HER OMG I WANT TO TOUCH HER (becomes moist)
Everyone else:ewwwww
by Billywigglestick October 28, 2019
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According to most surveys, the #1 favorite word by the female gender. They especially enjoy combining it with other words in the top of the list to form sentences, such as:

"I have moist and chunky cottage cheese tits"
Hang on, let's squirt these bath towels to get them all chunky and moist before we use them

Aww that kitten is adorable! I bet it's really moist!
by waskeyjam November 15, 2016
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