That was Mint,
I saw this really MINT film at the weekend
by Chrissy December 23, 2004
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means like thats good but instead say thats mint
(proper english)
that mint
sounds mint
by mike shinoda March 13, 2006
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he is so minted
by squishey March 1, 2015
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it is an alturnative word that means the same as cool, awesome,rad you get the point! it means the same but is supposed to be said when one is expressing higher coolness than those other words.
i think you're so MINT for helping me out like that!
or, that's so mint i want one!
by koda catastraphic July 11, 2008
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A white boy with a squeaker voice that get enraged at little things but over all is a good person.
MINT: AHHHHHHHH you play this game to much that's why you killed meeeeeeeeeee.

Person who killed the MINT: AHH what a MINT
by xoonyx January 28, 2021
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No mint means like no joke or no cap
Niggatron - “...and then she said she doesn’t like you no mint
Niggaligon- “damn thats tuff
by Te Pasas Man May 7, 2019
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