make up you struggle to live without. The product you love most. It's just an expression

Ciara: What's your holy Grail make up product?
Anne: Mine is becca liquid highlight!
by manilla56 April 19, 2017
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A common technique used by women all across the world, whereby they wear excessive make-up after a particularly painful break-up in order to make themselves feel more attractive. The resultant level of foundation on the face is often compared to a light cake or biscuit based dessert.
Dave: Dude, I saw you broke up with Stacey...

Tom: What the... How did you know, we haven't even made it Facebook official yet?!

Dave: Only had to look at her face man...

Dave and Tom together: Break-up make-up...
by JamesTeddySmith March 10, 2012
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really just another way to accuse someone of lying or bullshitting.
1: I fucked Paris Hilton.
2: Will you PLEASE stop making up historical facts?
by KRHimself November 20, 2004
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When a chick is not completely hot, but she would be if she was wearing that TV make-up that makes normal chicks look hotter
- What do you think of this chick? I met her yesterday
- Hmm, I don't know, she needs TV make-up. Then she would be a solid 7.
by Dexterprog November 23, 2010
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The phrase that you use in a time of utter disbelief. Overwhelmed with an unability to "Make it up." Usually it seems like if you actually tried to make up a story or something creative, it would be more believable than the actual events that have occured.
Chris: Jesus Christ dude they just bombed the Twin Towers.

Adam: You can't make it up bro.
by youngdog September 7, 2012
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