1. An adorable, psychotic boy who loves a good battle.
"Wow, did you watch the last episode of Black Clover?"
"You mean the one where Luck Voltia gets possessed by an elf? I cried through the entire episode!"
by Marah Stevenson Ki October 15, 2019
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When you lose your money in a super sketch deal. Usually happens with stoners bc were all too lazy to remember where our cash is. Can also be good like finding a stash weeks later.
"Yeah mannnn it sucks. I was gonna get a 40 sac this weekend but my money just fuckin left."
"that sucks, haha stoners luck man"

"whoa dude, i just found my 60 from last may!!! Hooray for stoners luck!"
by "_" Stoned February 23, 2009
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Bill: Oh man, did you see that shot!?
Tom: That was beginner's luck!!
by Nic Grossie May 31, 2008
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On your birthday, a nuclear explosion of luck happens inside you. It causes you to have the ability to do anything. That attractive guy/girl you like? You're dating. That proposal you were worried about showing your boss? Got you a promotion. Daft Punk? They're playing at your house.
Guy 1: So wait, you're calling in sick today to take Caroline to the Usher concert? Nice!

Guy 2: Wrong. Usher invited me and my beautiful lady-friend to personally chill with him today.

Guy 1: Damn! How the hell did you pull that off?

Guy 2: Birthday Luck, man!
by WhoDeyWhoDat March 24, 2011
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when one is surprised by a large number of penises about to have an orgy with the individual.
"Dude, I sent that bitch a cock luck with like, 20 guys."
"Ah bro,is she gonna be surprised!"
by hippie du magique August 9, 2008
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taken from comedian Brian Reagan. a cross between take care and good luck.
by Meg February 15, 2005
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Phrase where you don't really care what happens, you're just glad it's not you who has to do the said person's task.
DUDE 1: My Mom wants me to go on a diet where I have to eat only lemons and cabbage and drink only prune juice.
DUDE 2: Good luck with that. (Thinking: Haha! Loser!)
by Jim E. Junk May 3, 2006
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