The groggy tired feeling you get when your liquor buzz starts to wear off. Most common after downing a quick couple beers then ceasing drinking.
Neat Dude: We shouldn't have dummied those two beers during lunch, I'm starting to get liquor lazy.

Neat Dude 2: Yeah man, I'm getting tired too.
by Soundoner October 9, 2010
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Alcoholic beverages placed in a liquor rack either at home, restaurants, or bars.
Hey man, why don't you grab me a shot glass and some rack liquor!
by Andrew Barcetony June 28, 2017
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Sporadic fits of anger and/or destruction fueled entirely by alcohol. These episodes are usually difficult to forecast except for seasoned veterans who tend to expose their early warning signs. These signs include (but are not limited to)

- Yelling and screaming at strangers
- Shadow boxing street signs
- Diving through shrubs
When the liquor fit actually hits, anticipate seeing property damage and numerous altercations.
Hey did you guys see the picture frames in the living room? They’re all busted to pieces.

Yeah, that’s from Tom’s liquor fit.
by A. Massey January 12, 2020
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A beverage with around 40% alcohol made from lemon extract. It has a strong and unpleasant lemon flavor so it is usually mixed with lemonade or other sweet and sour drinks to make a 10-15% ABV cocktail.

Lemon liquor starts with a 16 oz bottle of lemon extract, which is mixed 50/50 with water. A yellow oil layer floats on top which is removed with a dropper. The remaining liquid is filtered through a Zerowater, Pur or Clear Genius water filter (with a brand-new cartridge) until it comes out clear.

Lemon liquor costs a little more than cheap vodka and tastes far worse, so it is generally only made by alcoholics and friendless underage drinkers.
Jim made a bottle of lemon liquor for the party this weekend!
by Four Loko Frat Guy November 6, 2022
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A Girl who's only intention of talking to you at a Club is to get free drinks.
when a girl wants you to constantly buy her drinks so she keeps talking to you at a club. you would consider this girl to be a Liquor Pimp
by bonkersGT3 September 23, 2011
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When one tends to ramble, or spew private and/or compromising information after a few bevies.
Wow, I can't believe he just threw that out there! A few drinks and there go his liquor lips.
by GunnerMTL July 22, 2010
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A quick trip to the store for the sole purpose of buying liquor. Usually referred to when getting liquor for others.
Jake told me to ask everyone if they needed more beer because we were going on a liquor run.
by frog4lunch November 6, 2003
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