UK slang

A male reproductive organ of greater than average lenght.

Also known as Kidney prodder, throat poker and gut tickler.
Jane went all moist for at 12 inches long Jack was armed with a real kidney swiper.
by black flag May 29, 2004
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Similar to a pink sock, but better. While giving the girl anal the man punches the girl powerfully with both fists in both kidneys. AS she tenses up her anus, the man thrusts as hard as possible, causing her to fly off the man's cock. This inadvertantly causes the girl to pink sock herself.
'Did you pink sock that bitch?'
'No man, I fuckin' kidney krunched that bitch so hard she's still bleeding.'
by analapplecore April 16, 2006
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An aswome band with songs like "Before I'm dead" and "Black Bullet" which have been featured in the best movie ever QUEEN OF THE DAMNED
Kidney Thieves sings "It reminds me of what to do before I'm dead"
by razor sharp August 10, 2006
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When you nut and pass a kidney stone in someone's mouth at the same time.
Gave her the good old Kidney Surprise
by bzk25 February 8, 2020
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When you nut and pass a kidney stone in someone's mouth at the same time.
I gave her the good old Kidney Surprise
by bzk25 February 8, 2020
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Requires 6 Kidney stones to activate; when wearing, snap fingers to remove half of the world's kidneys (RIP people with one kidney).
You see, I have the Kidney Gauntlet; I am inevitable...
by Plumbus_Plumber March 5, 2020
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Kidney beaning is when you're hitting it from behind and she turns around and says "It's your turn now"
Guy 1: Oy, last night me and me and Jessica were kidney beaning so good.
Guy 2: Yeah, me and Monica do 2 straight minutes each, Bro
by Dr. Phil 28279181093 February 6, 2018
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