If something is funny or cool, the word kek ballos can be used. The origin comes from kek balls which means funny testicles. This is of course one of the most used words in the oxford dictionary. Kek means LOL and comes from WoW

If something is sad or annoying, the word sollab kek can be used. This is the reverse of kek ballos
-Hey man, I just lost my virginity
-Wow, that is very kek ballos

-My girlfriend cheated on me.
-Damn that is sollab kek.
by Orrvish January 27, 2021
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A popular game show on ifunny where contestants will present content and it will be labelled as "cringe" or "kek"
Person 1: I think I have a pretty good meme for Cringe or kek, should I go on?
Person 2: No way man! That's Cringe!
by RapeAss_McGee March 30, 2019
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No one know what the fuck a chicken kek is
Ryan: oh yeah chicken kek man

Me: what does that mean

Ryan: oh yeah chicken kek man
by jonathan kek August 30, 2020
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A series of NSFL shock websites, showing a warning before you click, and then after you click it, flashing lights, photoshopped videos of a dog being skinned, a person performing necrophilia to a burned child and a burned person, and in the center, a man drilling his urethra. The phrase "Kek maga" seems to have originated from Hungarian, meaning "Kek himself," so it just means "Laughing to himself" basically.
Person 1: Huh... What's this link my friend sent me?
Person 1 on Discord: What is this?
Person 2 on Discord: A link to my social media I made called Kek maga! :D
Person 1: *clicks* WHAT THE HELL IS THIS *goes into shellshock*
by APittsburghFurry February 3, 2021
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Originates from the word 'kek', which comes from World of Warcraft or Korean. It means the same as 'rofl', or 'lmfao' Used primarily on the internet. Not to be confused with topkek, a turkish muffin snack.
Bob: "I just pwned some kids in COD today, I went 20-3. They were raging and it was extremely funny!"
John: "Top kek!"
Taylor: "We had some great banter with the boys today! I recorded it, watch!"
Eric: "Omg, top kek!"
by p0rtalsh0oter May 25, 2015
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A quote that symbolises opposition to any of today's ludicrous liberal left wing ideologies.
Liberal: " i identify as a gender fluid piece of meat loaf"

Me: "There are only 2 genders....Praise Kek!"
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An online meme magic cult prominent on the sites 8chan and 4chan which praises the mythical Meme God KEK. This cult is based on a combination of the meme pepe and the Egyptian deity of primordial darkness Kek, also known as Kuk, Keku, or Kekui.
The Cult of KEK unleashed their devastating dark chaotic meme magic powers to elect Donald Trump president all for the glory of KEK almighty.
by epycurasWynter February 26, 2017
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