A concept of inoffensive language that has played far more by conservative attempting martyrdom than by liberals attempting to change society. By pointing out they're political incorrectness consevatives can pretend to be witty, edgy or worthy of sympathy.

There have been no state laws made to make saying "politically incorrect" things criminal. There are a number of television shows that try to flaunt the politically correct angle. None of theses have been reprimanded by the FCC.
Even the ranting of insanely radical organizations such as the KKK are still protected by the government.

"Political correctness persecution" is, ironically a politically correct term in itself. It used to be called "the consequences of being an insulting foulmouthed prick, you dumbass".

The only true examples of political correctness overkill are from privately owned entities which have been able to define their behavior codes (i.e. no shoes, no shirt, no service) since forever and student governments which are apeshit and transitory anyhow.
If you act like a jerk people will not like you. This is a fact of life. Don't blame political correctness.
by A ton of pounds November 7, 2004
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a platonic ideal, an abstraction, a form, an eternal immaterial underlying reality. Political correctness is an ideal whose standards are so unrealistic that no one has ever met them and all instances we encounter in this material world of it are but deformed and imperfect copies of that ideal. No novel is politically correct. No play is politically correct. No poem. No film. No song. No speech. No president. No talk show, organization or law is perfectly politically correct. And yet we are still punished for failing to meet its ungodly demands.
Shakespeare, Milton, Plato, Kant, D.H. Lawrence and Homer are but a few names in the hall of shame of political incorrectness. So what chance does an average Joe have of ever demonstrating pure political correctness?
by plato's heir December 18, 2009
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Something I flatly refuse to conform to
What do you call a spade?

Average person: I call a 'spade' a 'spade'
PC dimwit: I call a 'spade' an 'excavation instrument'
Me: I call a 'spade' a 'fucking shovel'!!!
by Quicksand Jesus April 19, 2004
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See also cancer. The death of the First Amendment. Almost every word said nowadays is censored by liberal pussies, forcing to be replaced with the "politically correct" version of it. Also proof we are becoming like the people of George Orwell's 1984

How to talk politically correct so you don't trigger liberals:
White: Caucasian
Black: African-American
Mexican: Hispanic
Asian: People of the Orient
Not crippled: Able-bodied
Crippled: Physically challenged
Short: Vertically challenged
Autistic: Mentally challenged
Blind: Visually challenged
Fat: Horizontally challenged
Deaf: Auditorily challenged
Tall: Person of height
Straight: Heterosexual
Gay: Homosexual
Garbage man: Sanitation worker
All this political correctness makes me understand why some think millennials were a screwed generation
by Captain_Cancer September 27, 2017
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1. The practice of avoiding words or phrases that are associated with stereotypes and unsupported assumptions about groups of people, or that inadvertently reinforce them. See sexism, racism. 2. A term used by conservatives who want to complain when people complain about their sexist, racist or otherwise bigoted remarks, often with the suggestion that the offended person has no right to express their own opinion. See: dog whistle, see: free speech is a two way street.
1. We prefer the term "Native American" instead of "Indian" because it is both historically accurate and shows respect their much longer presence in this country.

2. Female executives are fine, except they all need a really good executive assistant one week a month. If you don't think that's funny, you are just being "politically correct."
by Henry V August 12, 2015
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A phrase taken from Mao's Little Red Book to describe terminology that is considered politically expedient.

Understood from a Western perspective as having the same connotation as the term Double Speak in George Orwell's novel 1984, which was written as a criticism of Communism at a time when Western powers were still allied with the USSR.

This western application of the term is often misused by uneducated morons in America to justify their refusal (or inability) to learn basic concepts, correct terminology, accepted behavior or even rudimentary spelling and grammar.
"I'd like a cheeseburger with a side of politically correct Freedom fries".

During World War I, referring to German measles as Liberty Measles was considered politically correct.

Prior to the Invasion of Iraq, it was considered politically correct to assume that the President wasn't a complete idiot.

by God_Almighty_Himself March 21, 2009
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