Therapist: "Okay Billy, i want you to say the first thing that comes to mind when i say a word

Billy: "Okay"

Therapist: "apple"

Billy: "red

Therapist: " Industructible brick shit house"

by jacknotblackbutwhite November 28, 2009
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A female who energically enjoys sex.
Taken from when most houses in England had outside toliets and a door that would slam shut in the wind.
"I'd like to get into Sarah's knickers, i bet she bangs like a shit house door!"
by Sammyseven November 12, 2006
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Someone who is very muscley or built like a body builder.
Also related to "stacked" and "ripped".
Thats dudes huge! He's built like a brick shit house!
by Fun Time Frankie October 19, 2006
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Complimentary expression for a well endowed women that is "stacked" or built like M. Monroe.
Yes, I agree that she is "phat", built like a brick shit house.
by Ross Mcconnell August 12, 2006
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Complimentary expression for a well endowed women that is "stacked" like M. Monroe.
Yes, I agree that she is "phat", built like a brick shit house.
by Ross Mcconnell August 12, 2006
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To move very quickly if some thing is done wrong or just generally.
Did you see them then?! They move like a shit house rat'
by scouselad August 11, 2010
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a meth whore who uses outhouses to satisfy johns
Surrey has the best shit house chickens in the lower mainland
by The Durty Duk February 15, 2015
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