Similar to bar hopping, holler hopping is the act of getting together with friends at night, hopping in a vehicle(s), then driving around the back roads of Appalachia while on methamphetamine. Usually involves searching for UFOs, aliens, or other paranormal/cryptozoological entities.
Me, Johnny, and Hector went out holler hoppin' last night in the Caravelle and caught a glimpse of that alien down Piney Fork.
by Shardo December 16, 2016
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A holler donkey is a person who is a dedicated asshole, that likes to do no work whatsoever. You'll know a holler donkey when you see one. When asked to work they will most likely wander off, hide in the woods, or even fall asleep in the back of the truck telling no-one where they went. Take caution when confronting a holler donkey, as they will be often hostile due to not wanting to work.
"You're such a holler donkey!"
"Try to actually do your work today, holler donkey."
by Mr. Jester December 2, 2016
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Holler cred is the local credibility or "street cred" one might enjoy in the mountains or hollows, particularly of Appalachia. This comes from knowing the terrain, being "bush wise," knowing how to hunt, fish and assault Federal officers or Revenuers. Writing songs, or singing them, about white supremacists and sovereign citizen domestic terrorists also helps.
He fights mountain, talks mountain and has a still in his back yard. He sure has holler cred.
by Pervasive D2 November 6, 2011
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When you give someone a "POKE" on Facebook.
"you always poke me.. but we don't talk??? haha weirdo!"

"It's my silent holler to you"
by MyYummyCoconut December 7, 2011
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Gays that live in a holler (colloquially....a hollow is a small valley in/between the mountains)
My husband and I bought a country house in a gay friendly area known as homo holler.
by countrygays April 1, 2019
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When a male or group of males beak, chirp, slam, insult, mouth off or yells at a hoe in a non-flattering fashion.
When we get to the club, let's go Hoe Holler!
by Philly-Collins April 20, 2011
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A non basketball player who chases (hollers) after hot basketball players.
Did you see that baller holler giving you the eye from the stands? She's hot on you!
by GSGal03 March 18, 2010
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