This what a cat does during the act of hunting to make its prey think it is no longer interested. The cat stops, looks away, and starts to lick its paw as if nothing ever happened.
As the cat began to sneak up on the bird, the cat stopped when it noticed that the bird saw it coming. The cat began fake grooming so as to appear disinterested in the bird. It works every time.
by lkaw January 9, 2007
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What a man does before going out to party with the hopes of hooking up with a girl, that can include shaving, both face and body, extreme showering, hair work, and facial care. Also, this typically takes an extended period of time since most men do not need to spend much time in the bathroom preparing.
Dude, I've got to do some intense man grooming before we head out to Tony's party. There's gonna be mad bitches there
by Da Burdman February 26, 2007
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The act of fussing over the physical appearance of your significant other, akin to scenes of monkeys or other simians doing the same on animal documentaries. Includes squeezing pimples/blackheads, manicuring, pedicuring and plucking funny and/or white hair. Provides presumed psychic gratification to the groomer and laid back enjoyment to the groomee.
"What're you doing today?" "Nothing much. Monkey-grooming each other."
by qingwaa October 20, 2007
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The Groom of the Stool helped a king with toiletry, excrement, and other messy bodily functions. This was simultaneously one of the most repugnant and sought-after duties in the English royal castle. The Groom of the Stool was well-paid to keep the king's secrets. Although the duties were literally wiping shit off the king, the position was not considered a lowly one. The Groom of the Stool could pass secret messages to and from the king. One word from the Groom of the Stool was enough to change the fortunes of anyone in the royal court. He could act as a gatekeeper to grant access to the king in private.

H. R. Haldeman was chief of staff in the Nixon white house. He was a Groom of the Stool in that he kept Nixon's secrets and did some of his dirty work.
That chief of staff we hired last month is a real Groom of the Stool. He spends all his time cleaning up after the CEO and knows the secrets of every director. Never cross him or your ass is out the door.
by Ardias November 17, 2022
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When a grown-ass man fucks a 14-17 year old child.
Roblox YouTubers by the name of Ribs and Notive groomed minors in 2023.
by binchillin_goofyahh October 23, 2023
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When someone befriends you online, using Social Media, Skype, Emails, Or other forms of contact, to extract information from you, or Guilt you into giving them money - Close to Romance scam, but romance doesn't have to be the key interest here to scam you
Person 1: Remember Donna?
Person 2: Yeah.
Person 1: Apparently her friend Online has asked for her to give her some money
Person 2: Sounds like a grooming scam to me.
by Aluzionz October 5, 2015
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Personal grooming from the waist up to appear presentable for an online audience, does not need to involve the wearing of pants, brushing of teeth, use of deodorant, or having had a shower, is purely superficial since no one that you’re interacting with is actually in the same room.
Via email/text - gimme 5 boss, I need to have a Zoom Groom before our meeting/presentation.
by Bethany Jane April 24, 2020
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